Suggestions: Read this to a loved one as a gift offering of meditation
Record yourself and listen to your voice as you guide yourself with this meditation. Use the recording to meditate with anyone close to you ~ Hug yourself or your partner at the end. Slow down your breathing. As you inhale and exhale allow yourself to be still, quiet, calm and present. Soften your heart and bring it into the present. Let go of thoughts, relax your mind and your body. Let the tensions go. Let go of any worries or any decisions you’ve made about love and your worthiness to receive it. Be very present with the miracle of your breath. As you breathe in, this time bring in your consciousness- the awareness of love. Whatever love is for you, whether you’ve experienced it recently, a long time ago, or its present for you now. It doesn’t matter. Bring up what love is in you right now- whatever that love feels like to you; kind, patient, caring, tender, joyful and fill yourself with that feeling and see yourself softening inside. Smile a faint beautiful inner and outer smile and tell yourself Ahh, I am letting love in. I am letting love in, I am letting love in. I am safe to let love in. As you open your heart, imagine that there is a wave of love, a wave of kindness- no resistance, no fear but a sense of absolute total safety and protection. Allow people in your life to love you the way they love you and take in their love and caring, taking the love you’ve experienced, even if you were not the beneficiary of that love but the observer of love. Let that love in. Let it in from things you have read that have moved you, from movies you have seen, from poems you have read, from people in the street, from wherever you have glimpsed it, let the love in and keep lifting any veils that separate you and restrict you from letting love in. As you relax your heart and your whole being allow yourself to be immersed in a presence of love. Stay there for a few moments…quiet, still, present and full. Whenever you are ready take both of your hands and place them over your heart - anchor that feeling of letting love in. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale open your eyes, wriggle your fingers and toes, roll your neck to the left and right and with that feeling of having let love in experience the openness and fullness of your heart. As you are present back in the room, stay open and receptive to love. Namaste |